12:00 am
Spring Tree Sale - Online March 9
Take part in the bi-annual tree sale and help us reach the City’s goal of a 27% canopy coverage within New Westminster by 2030! There are six tree species to choose from, including balcony-friendly species such as European Strawberry Tree and Coral Bark Maple.
What to know:
- An online account will be required, so be sure to have one set up and ready before the sale date.
- $10.00 per tree, limit two trees per New Westminster household/business.
- All sales final, no refunds. Please ensure someone is available to pick up your tree before purchasing.
- Trees not picked up during the designated pickup period will be sold for cash or donated to the City's tree planting program.
ONLINE SALE STARTS: March 9, 8:30 am
ORDER PICKUP: April 1, 9:00 - 11:00 am, Westburnco Sports Courts
See the species and find account setup information at newwestcity.ca/treesale