Upcoming workshops to explore the future of Queen’s Park Farm
Interested in helping the City shape the future of a unique community space? Register to join one of our upcoming workshops to help reimagine the future of the Queen’s Park Farm. These workshops will be an opportunity for you to learn more about the farm transition, and discuss your values, priorities and ideas for this part of Queen’s Park, in a respectful, facilitated dialogue. Following a short presentation, participants will work in small groups to answer a series of discussion questions. Register for a virtual workshop on Thursday, Sept. 23 at 6:30 pm, or an in-person workshop outdoors at the Farm on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 10:00 am. Space is limited, so register to save your spot today!
Be Heard page link: www.beheardnewwest.ca/qp-farmfuture
Eventbrite link: https://qpfarmworkshops.eventbrite.ca