Potential Air Quality Impacts

Tips to protect yourself and your loved ones in case of an air quality advisory:

  • Remain indoors when possible
  • Avoid strenuous activity mid-afternoon to early evening
  • If you experience wheezing or shortness of breath, seek medical attention
  • As with hot weather, drinking plenty of cool water can help reduce inflammation and help a person cope with heat and smoke
  • Check your medications, especially rescue medications for breathing
  • Keep windows and doors closed if possible without overheating
  • Use a portable HEPA air cleaner
  • Spend time in a home or community space that can act as a clean air shelter, a space that has filtration to help reduce smoke exposure. Community clean air shelters can be found in many public buildings such as shopping malls, libraries and local community centres.


Please check the Metro Vancouver Airmap website for current air quality advisories at gis.metrovancouver.org/maps/Air.

