Events Calendar

Thursday, Nov 4, 2021

Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021

Thursday, Nov 11, 2021

Request for Public Comment

Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Meeting held electronically and in Council Chamber, City Hall

Business Regulation and Licensing (Rental Units) Amendment Bylaw No. 8302, 2021


Business Regulation and Licensing (Rental Units) Amendment Bylaw No. 8302, 2021 amends the Business Regulations and Licensing (Rental Unit) Bylaw by removing Part 6 of the bylaw. Part 6 was enacted by City Council in May 2019 to deter renovictions and provide protection to those tenants who may be displaced by large-scale renovation work. The amendment was successful and resulted in a significant decrease in the number of reported renovictions and inquiries of concern. In July 2021 the Province introduced new legislation that amended the Residential Tenancy Act for the purpose of addressing renovictions. The new legislation requires landlords to apply for dispute resolution to obtain an Order to End Tenancy and an Order of Possession of the units. This process does not require a Notice to End Tenancy and, since the trigger in the City’s Part 6 provisions is the issuance of the Notice to End Tenancy, the current Part 6 is rendered inoperative. Good public administration includes updating bylaws that are inoperative and do not serve a purpose. 


From November 03 to 15, 2021 (except November 11), read the bylaw and related material online at and in person from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday at Legislative Services, Second Floor City Hall, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H3.


This Bylaw Amendment will be considered for adoption on November 15, 2021. Pursuant to a July 12, 2021, Council resolution, written feedback is welcomed. Send your comments by email, mail, or dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall by November 15, 2021 to:


Legislative Services Department,
511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9

Council will consider adoption of Business Regulation and Licensing (Rental Units) Amendment Bylaw No. 8302, 2021 at the City Council meeting on November 15, 2021. The meeting will be broadcast live on the City’s website and can be viewed by going to and clicking on the meeting in the meeting calendar.

Written comments received by 5 pm, three business days before the meeting will be included in the agenda package. Later comments received until Council considers the item will be distributed on table at the meeting. All comments are published.

Jacque Killawee, City Clerk
