Citypage Online
[June 9, 2022]

Citypage Online June 9

Watering Bags for Tree Permit Holders

New Westminster is rolling out its watering bag program for trees planted on private property; tree permit holders can purchase a watering bag at a subsidized price from City Hall.


Property taxes must be received by the City no later than July 4, 2022.

Dog Central Camps

A totally unique camp for children and teens (8 - 17 years) and their dogs!

Skateboard Camps

6 - 11 years can learn the fundamentals of skateboarding.

Westminster Pier Park 10 Year Celebration

Rest and relax by the river as we celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of Westminster Pier Park with this free event on June 17.

June is Parks and Recreation Month

Recreation and Parks Month promotes the benefits of a healthy and vibrant community!

Notice of Patio Application with Liquor Service

Steel & Oak Brewing Co. located at 1319 Third Avenue is applying to operate a patio and serve liquor in a patio on the portion of Levi Street directly beside the brewery.

Events Calendar

Thursday, Jun 9, 2022

Monday, Jun 13, 2022