Westminster Pier Park: In-water Work Noise Notice
Demolition and removal of the fire-damaged wharf at Westminster Pier Park is now complete. On January 4, 2021, the City started in-river clean-up to remove submerged debris that settled on the riverbed.
Noise from tug boats, machinery, pumps and generators is anticipated, but is not expected to be louder than a highway diesel truck. Beginning Saturday, January 16, 2021, work will also take place on Saturdays starting at 7:00 am. These extended hours are required to meet the permitted in-river fisheries window schedule of February 28, 2021, ensuring the work is completed as quickly as possible under the Provincial Ministry of Environment emergency mandate. Sunday work will only be considered if delays are encountered that would jeopardize the ability to complete the works within the fisheries window of February 28, 2021.
Monday to Friday: January 4 – February 28, 2021
Saturday & Sunday*: January 16 – February 28, 2021
Hours of Work:
Monday to Friday: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm | Sunday*: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
*Sunday work will only occur if necessary
Transportation Impacts:
No impact to pedestrian, cycle or vehicle circulation.
City Contact:
Amir Aminpour, Engineering Projects Manager
e) aaminpour@newwestcity.ca
(p) 604-515-3796