Easter in the City
April 6 - 10
The City of New Westminster is in the process of completing its draft 2023-2027 Financial Plan. As part of the public consultation process, a budget information package including the draft 2023-2027 Financial Plan, a staff report, and a link for providing comments are available starting March 27, 2023 on the City’s Budget 2023 website page: https://www.newwestcity.ca/budget2023.
The draft Financial Plan bylaw will be presented to Council for three readings at a City Council meeting on April 17, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Council Chamber, City Hall. The public is invited to speak to this matter at an Opportunity to be Heard, which will begin at 6:00pm. The public may attend in person or via zoom. To attend via zoom, please see the instructions at www.newwestcity.ca/council. If you wish to register to speak at the Opportunity to be Heard, starting at 8:30am on April 11, sign up at speakers.newwestcity.ca or call 604-527-4523. Registration is not required.
Comments regarding this matter can also be forwarded to the CFO/Director of Finance and must be received by the start of the Council meeting at 6:00pm on April 17, 2023. Written communication options are as follows:
Written submissions will be presented to Council and published.