Citypage Online
[May 18, 2023]

Citypage Online May 18

Q to Q Ferry Schedule Changes

Service levels for the Q to Q Ferry will be increased for the summer, starting Saturday, May 20.

Last Chance: Annual State of the City Address

Join Mayor and Council to deep dive into the Strategic Plan, and what it means for the City and the community in the term ahead.

New to New West: Intercultural Festival and Information Fair

Check out this free resource fair to make volunteer connections and get information on health, jobs, financial programs, and settlement services.

Bike Donation Drive May 15 – June 30

Do you have a bike that could be rehomed to a community member? Cap’s Bicycle Shop will refurbish it and match it with a community member. All conditions and types of bikes will be accepted.

Spray Parks & Outdoor Pools are all open staring May 20!

Splish and splash this weekend at spray parks and pools! All five spray parks, plus Grimston and Hume pools will be open.

Victoria Day Weekend Schedule Changes

Please be advised that recreation facility hours and program schedules may change on Victoria Day weekend, May 20 – 22, 2023.

Mayors’ Food Bank Challenge

From May 1 - 31, the mayors of five cities are challenging their communities to help the Greater Vancouver Food Bank feed people in need. 

New Westminster Youth Firefighter Program

The program places students (grade 10 - 12) in a Fire Academy situation featuring classroom review, workplace experience, and live-fire combat!

Adopt a Street Tree!

Help us increase our urban tree canopy by caring for newly planted City trees as a Tree Steward this summer.

Watering Restrictions are in effect!

Stage 1 watering restrictions are currently in effect until Oct. 15 for both residential and non-residential areas.

Notice Respecting Zoning Amendment Bylaw

Under sections 464(2) and 467 of the Local Government Act MONDAY, MAY 29, 2023 AT 6:00 PM Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber, City Hall Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8390, 2023 for 810 Agnes Street and 815 – 821 Victoria Street

Opportunity to Be Heard

MONDAY, May 29, 2023 AT 6:00 PM Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber, City Hall Inter-Municipal TNS (Ride Hailing) Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 8391, 2023

Events Calendar

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Monday, May 22, 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023