Events Calendar

Thursday, Sep 30, 2021

Monday, Oct 4, 2021

Tuesday, Oct 5, 2021

Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021

Uptown Active Transportation Improvements

The City of New Westminster is launching the design process for active transportation improvements in the Uptown neighbourhood. This includes two exciting projects that will reimagine some of our streets to make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to move comfortably and safely on foot, bicycle, and other non-motorized wheels in Uptown.

  • The existing Rotary Crosstown Greenway on Seventh Avenue will result in upgrades that will increase safety, comfort, and accessibility on the section between Eighth Street and Fifth Street.
  • The new NWSS Cycling Connector project will link the Rotary Crosstown Greenway on Seventh Avenue to the east entrance of the new school on Sixth Street, enabling students, staff and visitors to conveniently and safely cycle, wheel or walk to the school from the east and south.

Visit us at to learn about the design and route options, complete a survey, ask a question, or find out when an event will be popping up!
