Events Calendar

Thursday, Sep 30, 2021

Monday, Oct 4, 2021

Tuesday, Oct 5, 2021

Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021

Proof of Vaccination Requirements - Update

Patrons 12+ years (previously 22+ years) are required to provide proof of vaccination to participate in physical activities where patrons 22+ years are also participating with youth, including: fitness centres, group fitness, dance and sports (swimming and skating excluded).

Also, parents or guardians dropping off, picking up, assisting or watching children and youth under 22 participating in Parks and Recreation services for ages 21 and under are exempt from POV, but spectators in rental bookings (e.g. hockey games) where there are 50+ people, aged 12+ years, attending must show proof of vaccination to the renters management.

See approved proof of vaccination or what to know before you go for further details.
