Events Calendar

Monday, Mar 29, 2021

Thursday, Apr 1, 2021

Earth Hour Photo Contest

Earth Hour, led by the World Wildlife Fund, is the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment. Since 2007, each year people all over the world turn off their lights at 8:30 pm on the last Saturday in March for one hour to help reduce energy consumption.

We encourage our community members to participate in the event and switch off their lights for one hour at 8:30 pm on Saturday March 27th, along with millions of people across the world! 

To commemorate Earth Hour this year, we're hosting an Earth Hour photo contest to encourage you to be creative and visualize the way you'd like the planet to be in the future.

Contest details:

The contest will take place from Saturday March 27th at 8:00 pm and close on the end of day March 28th (New Westminster residents only):

  • Children between the ages of 4-12 years are encouraged to submit a picture of their artwork or drawing which shows their vision of the City of New Westminster’s future. Do you envision lots of solar panels on homes, more trees and parks, or perhaps green roofs in our community? Get going, get creative, and show us your vision of our future sustainable community!
  • For residents over age 12, there is also an opportunity to get involved! Send us a picture that shows us how you spent your Earth Hour when switching off your lights for one hour. There are many fun energy-friendly, low-carbon activities that you can do from the comfort of your home: dinner-in-the-dark, a night of board games, book readings in candle-light, night-photography, or perhaps an acoustic family band performance. We look forward to seeing the fun activities you did during this year’s Earth Hour event! For more ideas, visit the Earth Hour website.

To enter the contest, send us a photo of your artwork or drawing (for children aged 4-12) or a picture of what you did during Earth Hour (ages 12 and over) to our email inbox at You can use any mobile or digital camera to take the picture.

Contest winners will be awarded a credit on their utility bill along with other prizes!

Submissions will be selected by raffle draw and the contest winners will be announced on Monday, March 29th at 4:00 pm on our Instagram page. The contest is only open to customers of the New West Electrical Utility.

