Notice of Public Hearing
MONDAY, April 24, 2023 AT 6:00 PM
Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber, City Hall
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 8374, 2023 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8375, 2023, for 102/104 Eighth Avenue and 728 First Street
Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit applications have been received which propose construction of 10 side-by-side infill townhouse units across two buildings. All of the proposed units would be family-friendly, contain three bedrooms, and be stratified. A total of 11 off-street parking spaces are proposed, in accordance with Zoning Bylaw requirements. The OCP amendment would change the land use designation from Residential – Detached and Semi-Detached Housing to Residential – Ground Oriented Infill Housing. The site would be rezoned from Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to the site-specific Comprehensive Development District (102/104 Eighth Avenue & 728 First Street) (CD-100) zone.
- Written submissions by email, post, or dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall are welcome and encouraged.
- Speak at the meeting by computer, smart device or phone via Zoom:
1. Computer, Smartphone or Tablet: go to, and click or tap the Meeting ID button 686 8875 2527
2. Phone: Call 778-907-2071. Enter meeting ID 686 8875 2527, followed by #
- Speak in person at the meeting. A mask is recommended.
Starting at 8:30 am on April 13, 2023, register online at, or contact Legislative Services to register to speak:
Phone: 604-527-4523 Email: | Legislative Services Department, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9 |
From April 13 to April 24, 2023, the proposed bylaw and related material are available for inspection at Legislative Services, City Hall 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, and online at:
Written comments received by 5:00 pm, three business days before the meeting will be included in the agenda package. Later comments received until the close of the hearing will be distributed on table at the meeting. All comments are published.
Lisa Spitale, Acting Corporate Officer