Notice of Initiative Plan for the Downtown New Westminster Business Improvement Areas Service
It is the intention of the Corporation of the City of New Westminster to create two Business Improvement Area Services in Downtown New Westminster pursuant to Section 215(2) of the Community Charter.
This notice concerning the creation of Business Improvement Areas Services on the Council initiative plan is given pursuant to Section 215(1) of the Community Charter.
The business promotion scheme proposed to be undertaken consists of:
- the encouragement of business in the Business Improvement Area Service in order to complement and expand the present business mix;
- the strengthening of businesses in the Business Improvement Area Service by undertaking beautification projects and promotional initiatives including special events and by advertising and promoting existing businesses;
- the carrying out of research and the preparation of reports including measures to enhance the economic vitality of the Business Improvement Area; and
- the improvement, beautification or maintenance of streets, sidewalks or municipally-owned land, buildings or structures in the Business Improvement Area.
The business promotion scheme will be designed to benefit two areas, a Primary Area and a Secondary Area, shown outlined in heavy black on the maps identified here as “Primary Area: Bylaw 8288, 2021 Schedule A” and “Secondary Area: Bylaw 8289, 2021 Schedule A”.
The estimated grant cost of the business promotion scheme for the Primary Area will be $161,912.41 for 2022, $166,769.78 for 2023, $171,772.87 for 2024 and $176,926.06 for 2025. The maximum grant for the term of the bylaw will be $677,381.12.
The estimated grant cost of the business promotion scheme for the Secondary Area will be $133,857.52 for 2022, $137,873.25 for 2023, $142,009.45 for 2024 and $146,269.73 for 2025. The maximum grant for the term of the bylaw will be $560,009.95.
Land or improvements within the business improvement areas will not be subject to this levy unless they are classified, in whole or in part, as Classes 5 or 6 as defined in the Assessment Act Regulation, B.C. Reg. 433/98, as that regulation stood on October 4, 2021.
100% of the cost of the business improvement scheme will be borne by the benefiting property owners. Cost recovery will be in the form of a local service parcel tax, calculated on the basis of assessed value of the benefiting property owners, collected in the same manner and at the same time as property taxes.
The charges will be imposed for a period of four years from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2025.
The establishment of the Primary and Secondary Downtown New Westminster Business Improvement Area Services are being proceeded with under Council initiative plan. Unless within one month after the second publication of this notice a majority of the benefiting property owners, representing at least half of the assessed value of the parcels that are liable to be specially charged, petition the Council not to proceed with it, the program will be undertaken.
Any opposition to the plan by affected property owners should be made in writing to the City Clerk, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C., V3L 1H9 and received no later than 4:30 p.m., Monday, February 14th, 2022.
Jacque Killawee
City Clerk