Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 8339, 2022, Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 8340, 2022, and Road Closure Bylaw No. 8350, 2022 for 108-118 Royal Avenue and 74-82 First Street
The Corporation of the City of New Westminster gives notice as follows:
(1) City Council intends to adopt Road Closure Bylaw and Land Disposition (Windsor Street) Bylaw No. 8350, 2022 to close the following highway areas to traffic, and to remove the dedication of those areas as highway:
- (a) The 404.7 square metres portion of road shown outlined in bold on the map (the “Closed Road Area”).
(2) City Council intends to sell fee simple title to the Closed Road Area to TPL Developments Royal Inc, in exchange for payment to the City of $1,580,000.00
(3) Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held in order to allow the public to make representations to City Council on the following proposed bylaws:
- (a) Road Closure Bylaw and Land Disposition (Windsor Street) Bylaw No. 8350, 2022, the purpose of which is described above.
- (b) Heritage Revitalization Agreement (108–118 Royal Avenue and 74-82 First Street) Bylaw 8339, 2022. This bylaw would facilitate the development at 108-118 Royal Avenue and 74-82 First Street of a six to eight storey multiple unit residential building with 189 stratified residential units and a density of 3.29 FSR in exchange for the retention, on-site relocation, restoration, and protection of the Woods House (1890) at 82 First Street. The bylaw would also apply to the Closed Road Area following the sale to TPL Developments Royal Inc and consolidation with adjacent properties. This development would include the dedication of land to the City along the western property line to support the construction of a multi-use pathway from Cunningham Street to Royal Avenue.
- (c) Heritage Designation (82 First Street) Bylaw No. 8340, 2022. This bylaw would legally protect the Woods House (1890) at 82 First Street and designate it as protected heritage property.
Monday, June 27, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber, City Hall
HOW CAN I BE HEARD? Share your thoughts in the following ways:
- Written submissions by email, post, or dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall are welcome and encouraged
- Speak at the meeting by computer, smart device or phone via Zoom:
- Computer, Smartphone or Tablet: go to www.newwestcity.ca/council#JoinAMeeting, and click or tap the Meeting ID button
- Phone: Call 778-907-2071. Enter meeting ID 655 9404 5919, followed by #
- Speak in person at the meeting. A mask is recommended.
From June 16 to June 27, 2022, copies of the proposed bylaws and related material are available for inspection at Legislative Services, City Hall 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, and online at: www.newwestcity.ca/publicnotices
Starting at 8:30 am on June 16, 2022 register online at speakers.newwestcity.ca, or contact Legislative Services to register to speak:
- 604-527-4523
- Legislative Services Department,
511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9 - clerks@newwestcity.ca
Written comments received by 5:00 pm, three business days before the meeting will be included in the agenda package. Later comments received until the close of the hearing will be distributed on table at the meeting. All comments are published.