Apply for a one-time small grant to help your organization enrich community livability, address social equity or contribute to social and cultural vibrancy.
THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2022 AT 6:00 PM
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 8088, 2022, Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 8089, 2022, and Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 8090, 2022 for 514 Carnarvon Street (Holy Trinity Cathedral)
Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 8347, 2022 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8351, 2022 for Surplus Road in the Queensborough Eastern Neighbourhood Node
Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 8339, 2022, Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 8340, 2022, and Road Closure Bylaw No. 8350, 2022 for 108-118 Royal Avenue and 74-82 First Street