Events Calendar

Thursday, Apr 22, 2021

Monday, Apr 26, 2021

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2021

Notice of Disposition of Land

The 513 Hornet Squadron - Royal Canadian Air Cadets Lease of a portion of Queen’s Park, New Westminster

Pursuant to Section 26(3) of the Community Charter and in accordance with Section 94, the Corporation of the City of New Westminster hereby gives notice of its intention to lease to the 513 Hornet Squadron a portion of Queen’s Park, approximately 2,700 square feet of parkland located beneath the existing building known as the Royal Air Cadet W.S. Hopper Building, located in Queen’s Park since 1975.  The lease will be for the purpose of maintaining the Building and carrying out its activities, which include operating and managing a not for profit organization that promotes aviation and outdoor and community development skills for youth.  The term of the lease will be five years, expiring May 31, 2026.  The Cadets will pay to the City a license fee of $500.00 for the five-year term. For more information regarding the lease, please contact Parks and Recreation Manager of Business Operations Jason Haight at 604-527-4630 or

Jacque Killawee

City Clerk
